Raising Lucifer (2015) by BRIAN BUTLER



Raising Lucifer, Part ONE & TWO
Brian Butler, USA, 2015, 12 min


The Making of KENNETH ANGER‘s Lucifer Rising






The Man We Want to Hang (2002) by KENNETH ANGER (December 17, 2010)
Mouse Heaven (2004) by KENNETH ANGER (December 16, 2010)
KENNETH ANGER’s Hollywood Babylon (December 16, 2010)
Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome (1954) by KENNETH ANGER (November 6, 2010)
Death (2008) by KENNETH ANGER (October 8, 2010)
Brush Of Baphomet (2009) by KENNETH ANGER (October 8, 2010)
KENNETH ANGER’s new short-film (for Missoni’s new ad campaign) (July 27, 2010)
KENNETH ANGER At Sprüth Magers, London (February 22, 2010)
Lucifer Rising (1972) by KENNETH ANGER (December 31, 2009)
The LUCIFER RISING Suite 4 x Vinyl LP Box Set (December 31, 2009)
Invocation Of My Demon Brother (1969) by KENNETH ANGER (November 26, 2009)

Jaune comme tes dents présente : Le TOP pandémoniaque MMXX

Réclusion pandémique MMXX





Voir cette publication sur Instagram


Une publication partagée par (@highonfireband)


… Denier concert finalement auquel nous aurons assisté avant la réclusion pandémique. Nous avons conséquemment trouvé refuge dans la lumière rédemptrice de ces épouvantables vociférations :



PAYSAGE D’HIVER ‘Im Wald’ (2020)
Kunsthall Produktionen



ORANSSI PAZUZU ‘Mestarin kynsi’ (2020)
Nuclear Blast



AKHLYS ‘Melinoë’ (2020)
Debemur Morti Productions



HATE FOREST ‘Hour Of The Centaur’ (2020)
Osmose Productions



ULCERATE ‘Stare Into Death And Be Still’ (2020)
Debemur Morti Productions



BLACK CURSE ‘Endless Wound’ (2020)
Sepulchral Voice Records



MIASMATIC NECROSIS ‘Apex Profane’ (2020)



UNDERGANG ‘Aldrig I Livet’ (2020)
Me Saco Un Ojo Records



ANHEDONIST & SPECTRAL VOICE ‘Abject Darkness / Ineffable Winds’ (2020)
Dark Descent Records, Parasitic Records



NECROT ‘Mortal’ (2020)



REALIZE ‘Machine Violence’ (2020)
Relapse Records



WARP CHAMBER ‘Implements Of Excruciation’ (2020)
Profound Lore Records



CAUSTIC WOUND ‘Death Posture’ (2020)
Profound Lore Records



APPARITION ‘Granular Transformation’ (2020)
Profound Lore Records



‎EXAUGURATE ‘Chasm of Rapturous Delirium’ (2020)
Rotted Life Records



SEDIMENTUM ‘Horrific Manifestations’ (split avec PHOBOPHILIC) (2020)
Rotted Life Records



SOIL OF IGNORANCE ‘Stop the Madness’ (2020)
Doomsday Machine Records, D7i Records



IFERNACH ‘The Green Enchanted Forest Of The Druid Wizard’ (2020)
Tour de Garde



SERMENT ‘Chante, Ô Flamme de la Liberté’ (2020)
Sepulchral Productions




Rééditions admirables de MMXX :



  • Mention particulière aux rééditions vinyles de classiques Métal Noir Queb sur Evil Tentacles Records (BRUME D’AUTOMNE, SORCIER DES GLACES, MONARQUE & NEIGE ET NOIRCEUR);
  • NOVEMBER GRIEF ‘To Live… In This World Of Chaos’, Temple Of Mystery Records & F.O.A.D. Records (1994-95-97 RE 2020);
  • TENEBRAE ‘Serenades Of The Damned’, Tour de Garde (1994 RE 2020);
  • Ailleurs dans le monde nous avons prisé la réédition vinyle des trois albums de GENOCIDE SUPERSTARS sur Tvåtakt Records & De:Nihil Records;
  • HERMANN NITSCH ‘Akustisches Abreaktionsspiel’ (son premier enregistrement paru sur disque), Tochnit Aleph (1972 RE 2020);
  • PISSGRAVE ‘Demo’, Profound Lore Records (2014 RE 2020);
  • WINTER ‘Into Darkness’ Box Set Extended Edition, Svart Records (1990 RE 2020);
  • Et enfin, la discographie complète de ZERO KAMA ‘Zero Kama’ 3LP Box Set, gracieuseté Infinite Fog Productions.






Le TOP MMXIX (December 30, 2019)
Le TOP MMXVIII (December 30, 2018)
Le TOP MMXVII (December 30, 2017)
Le TOP MMXVI (December 30, 2016)
Le TOP X MMXV (December 30, 2015)

Jaune comme tes dents présente : SOUL FRIDAY VOL.42

*Retro-bréviaire de la scène locale PQ et cinéma de claustration :



Slave To The Grind
Doug Robert Brown, Canada, 2018, 99 min


If you lived in Flint Michigan, USA in the 80s, you likely worked in an auto factory. If you lived in Birmingham, England in the 80s, you likely worked in an industrial setting. If you were a teenager in either of these cities during those years, you either accepted your fate or broke the mold. In defiance of tradition, groups of punk rockers and metalheads in these respective cities created a new sound, and consequently a new genre of music that was too punk for metalheads, and too heavy for punks.


Grindcore fused the anarchistic attitudes of the UKs Punk scene with the speed and drunken aggression of Death Metal, which was simultaneously being created in the US. When Napalm Death released ‘Scum’ in 1986, world-renowned BBC DJ, John Peel, announced that ‘Grindcore’ was the fastest and most abrasive sounding music imaginable, and he was right.


Slave To The Grind is the first documentary on Grindcore to capture the genre’s 35 year life span. The film takes you to Japan, the United States, UK, Australia, Singapore, Finland and Sweden to discuss why the genre has persisted, and changed, over time.


Slave To The Grind (2018) by DOUG BROWN










‘De retour des cendres, et en PDF!’ :


SANG FRAIS, volume 1 numéro 1, été 1998


Mai 2018 – Qui l’eu cru? Déjà 20 ans??? non, c’était hier n’est-ce pas? Beaucoup de fluides ont coulés sous les ponts depuis le lancement du SANG FRAIS #1 (3 mai 1998: Dragon Lore + Aphasia au Café Chaos). Le dernier Sang Frais ayant été publié en 2005, c’est donc dire que tous les metalleux du Québec qui célèbreront leurs 20 ans cette année n’ont probablement jamais eu le plaisir de nous lire. Peut-être le Sang Frais est-il simplement une légende urbaine? un mythe?


Peu importe, sa mission de faire passer les artisans à l’histoire aura été accomplie haut la main, et ce site se veut une façon de partager les souvenirs de notre magnifique scène locale. Voici donc pour vous, les SANG FRAIS #1 à #17 en PDF à lire dans le confort de votre foyer. Cheers!



Jaune comme tes dents présente : Le TOP MMXIX


DEATHSPELL OMEGA ‘The Furnaces of Palingenesia’ (2019)
Norma Norma Evangelium Diaboli


‘This world contains neither meaning nor justice’



TEITANBLOOD ‘The Baneful Choir’ (2019)
Norma Norma Evangelium Diaboli




DRASTUS ‘La Croix de Sang’ (2019)
Norma Norma Evangelium Diaboli



AORATOS‘Gods Without Name’ (2019)
Debemur Morti Productions




MGLA ‘Age of Excuse’ (2019)
Northern Heritage




VASTUM ‘Orificial Purge’ (2019)
20 Buck Spin




YERUSELEM ‘The Sublime’ (2019)
Debemur Morti Productions




MZ. 412 ‘Svartmyrkr’ (2019)
Cold Spring




NORDVARGR ‘Daath’ (2019)
Cyclic Law




TREPANERINGSRITUALEN & NORDVARGR ‘Konung Krönt i Blod / Salve Teragmon’ (2019)
Cyclic Law




OSSUAIRE ‘Premiers chants’ (2019)
Sepulchral Productions




OSSUAIRE ‘Derniers chants’ (2019)
Sepulchral Productions




MONARQUE ‘Jusqu’à la mort’ (2019)
Sepulchral Productions



PROFANE ORDER ‘Slave Morality’ (2019)
Sentient Ruin Laboratories



SACCAGE ‘Khaos Mortem’ (2019)
Torture Garden Picture Company, PRC music




OATH DIV 666 ‘Apocalypse Division’ (2019)
D7i Records, Doomsday Machine Records



SEDIMENTUM ‘Demo’ (2019)
Fucking Kill Records



MARÉCAGES ‘Marais Juana – Une Ode Cannabique’ (2019)
From the Urn




Rééditions admirables de MMXIX :


ABRUPTUM ‘Orchestra Of Dark’ (1992, RE2019), Profound Lore Records;
ABRUPTUM ‘Vi Sonus Veris Nigrae Malitiaes’ (1996, RE2019), Blooddawn Productions;
DAHMER ‘The Studio Sessions Discography’ (2003, RE2019), D7i Records et Doomsday Machine;
DARK SPACE ‘II’ (2005, RE2019), Avantgarde Music;
INCANTATION ‘Upon The Throne Of Apocalypse’ (1995, RE2019), Relapse Records;
LEVIATHAN ‘Verräter’ (2002, RE2019), Profound Lore Records;
MELVINS ‘The Maggot & The Bootlicker’ (1999, RE2019), Ipecac Recordings;
MZ.412 ‘In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi’ (1995, RE2019), AnnapurnA;
les PAYSAGE D’HIVER sur Kunsthall Produktionen;
TETRAGRAMMACIDE ‘Third World Esoterrorism’ (2014, RE2019)
les ZOVIET FRANCE sur Vinyl-on-demand;


JOHN COLTRANE 'Blue World' (1964-2019)


JOHN COLTRANE ‘Blue World’ (1964-2019)


The album was recorded at Van Gelder Studio with the Classic Quartet in between the Crescent and A Love Supreme sessions for the film Le chat dans le sac. Director Gilles Groulx was friends with Jimmy Garrison and he used that relationship to request songs for Coltrane’s quartet to record. Groulx traveled to the United States to attend the recording sessions for Coltrane’s only soundtrack work and Coltrane recorded it without informing his record label. After three hours in the studio, Groulx took the master tapes with him to Canada. When the director ended up shelving most of the music, it went unreleased until 2019, when Coltrane’s long-time label Impulse! Records decided to release it, with the original composition « Blue World » being released on August 16, 2019 along with the announcement of the album. Release was delayed by several years due to the NFB owning the rights to the tape itself but Impulse! having the rights to release it as an album.


The recordings were stored away until the early 21st century, when an archivist from the National Film Board of Canada was tasked with assembling Groulx’s work; the government agency negotiated with Impulse! to have the album released. This album comes a year after the successful release of Both Directions at Once: The Lost Album, also from Impulse!, capturing a Classic Quartet session from 1963 and is part of a trend of unreleased albums from 1950s and 1960s jazz greats released in the 2010s.





Le chat dans le sac
Gilles Groulx, Canada, 1964, 1 h 14 min


Premier long métrage de fiction de Gilles Groulx, dans lequel il intègre les méthodes du direct. Le casting est composé d’acteurs non professionnels, les dialogues sont improvisés et le tournage en continuité réalisés dans des décors naturels assurent la spontanéité et l’authenticité propres aux productions documentaires. À travers la confrontation d’un couple dans la vingtaine, ce film pose la grande question de l’accession à la maturité politique du peuple québécois telle que perçue par un cinéaste épris d’idéal et d’absolu.






Le TOP MMXVIII (December 30, 2018)
Le TOP MMXVII (December 30, 2017)
Le TOP MMXVI (December 30, 2016)
Le TOP X MMXV (December 30, 2015)