The Baptism of Christ (1710) by AERT DE GELDER

The Baptism of Christ (1710) by AERT DE GELDER

A wood cut found in Nurnberg Germany in 1561 depicts a large dark missile with a many others like it in the sky. Also depicted are globes, cylindrical space ships, and the sun.

"The Annunciation with Saint Emidius" (1486) by CARLO CRIVELLI

The Annunciation with Saint Emidius (1486) by CARLO CRIVELLI

The Crucifixion (1350) A Fresco of Decani placed above the altar of the Visoki Decani Monastery, Kosovo, Yugoslavia

The Crucifixion (1350) A Fresco of Decani placed above the altar of the Visoki Decani Monastery, Kosovo, Yugoslavia

La peinture murale Sighisoara découverte dans une église du 14e siècle en Roumanie

La peinture murale Sighisoara découverte dans une église du 14e siècle en Roumanie

Photo MARCEL LAROCHE, 7 novembre 1990, Place Bonaventure, Montréal p.Q.

Photo MARCEL LAROCHE, 7 novembre 1990, Place Bonaventure, Montréal p.Q.