A History of Christianity

A History of Christianity is a six-part British television series originally broadcast on BBC Four in 2009. The series was presented by DIARMAID MacCULLOCH, Professor of History of the Church at St Cross College Oxford, and considers the evolution of the Christian faith and its four main forms: Orthodoxy, Oriental Christianity, Western Catholicism and Protestantism.

Episode 1: The First Christianity: Details how Christianity’s origins lie east of Jerusalem and Rome.

Episode 2: Catholicism – The Unpredictable Rise of Rome: Explores the rise of Roman Catholic Church.

Episode 3: Orthodoxy – From Empire to Empire: Explores Eastern Orthodox Christianity’s fight for survival.

Episode 4: Reformation – The Individual Before God: Looks at the Reformation and its attack on the Catholic Church.

Episode 5: Protestantism – The Evangelical Explosion: Traces the growth of Evangelical Protestantism across the globe.

Episode 6: God in the Dock: Examines the concept of scepticism in Western Christianity.

 A History of Christianity (2009) presented by the BBC