an·nus hor·ri·bi·lis
mú·si·cas hor·ri·bi·lis
ADVERSARIAL ‘Solitude With The Eternal…’ (2024)
Dark Descent Records
AKHLYS ‘House Of The Black Geminus’ (2024)
Debemur Morti Productions
ALUK TODOLO ‘Lux’ (2024)
Norma Evangelium Diaboli
ANTICHRIST SIEGE MACHINE ‘Vengeance Of Eternal Fire’ (2024)
Profound Lore Records
APPARITION ‘Disgraced Emanations From A Tranquil State’ (2024)
Profound Lore Records
BLACK CURSE ‘Burning In Celestial Poison’ (2024)
Sepulchral Voice Records
CASING ‘Worn Life Begs For Burial’ (2024)
CONCRETE WINDS ‘Concrete Winds’ (2024)
Sepulchral Voice Records
CURRENT 93 ‘Astral Crimes In The Dark House’ (2024)
Cashen’s Gap
FLUIDS ‘Reduced Capabilities’ (2024)
Hell’s Headbanger
GODFLESH ‘A World Lit Only By Dub’ (2024)
Avalanche Recordings
HATE FOREST ‘Justice’ (2024)
Osmose Productions
MITOCHONDRION ‘Vitriseptome’ (2024)
Profound Lore Records
NECROT ‘Lifeless Birth’ (2024)
ORANSSI PAZUZU ‘Muuntautuja’ (2024)
Nuclear Blast Records
PAYSAGE D’HIVER ‘Die Berge’ (2024)
Kunsthall Produktionen
SPECTRAL VOICE ‘Sparagmos’ (2024)
Dark Descent Records
ULCERATE ‘Cutting The Throat Of God’ (2024)
Debemur Morti Productions
APES ‘Penitence’ (2024)
Secret Swarm Records
CANTIQUE LÉPREUX ‘Le bannissement’ (2024)
CONIFÈRE ‘L’Impôt Du Sang’
Phantom Lure
DRAVE ‘Mauvais Sort’ (2024)
Les Productions Hérétiques
Union Finale
NEIGE ET NOIRCEUR ‘Neige et Noirceur’ (2024)
Sepulchral Productions
SACRENOIR ‘Drapé De Nuit’ (2024)
Les Productions Hérétiques
SEDIMENTUM ‘Derrière Les Portes D’une Arcane Transcendante’ (2024)
Me Saco Un Ojo Records
Honorables mentions MMXXIV :
- AMPS FOR CHRIST ‘Phoenix Rising’ (2024), Tall Texan
- ANDREW NOLAN & FULL OF HELL‘Scraping The Divine’ (2024), Closed Casket Activities
- COFFINS ‘Sinister Oath’ (2024), Relapse Records
- DARK SPACE ‘-II’ (2024), Season Of Mist
- HAUNTOLOGIST ‘Hollow’ (2024), No Solace
- IRON MONKEY ‘Spleen & Goad’ (2024), Relapse Records
- MAMMOTH GRINDER ‘Undying Spectral Resonance’ (2024), Relapse Records
- NORDVARGR ‘Resignation IV’ (2024), Cyclic Law
- PHARMAKON ‘Maggot Mass’ (2024), Sacred Bones Records
- THOU ‘Umbilical’ (2024), Sacred Bones Records
- TOADLIQUOR ‘Back in the Hole’ (2024), Southern Lord Records
- TZOMPANTLI ‘Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force’ (2024), 20 Buck Spin
- UFOMAMMUT ‘Hidden’ (2024), Neurot Recordings
- WHORES ‘War’ (2024), The Ghost Is Clear Records
Rééditions notables de MMXXIV :
- BRUME D’AUTOMNE ‘Brume D’Automne’ (2012, RE 2024), His Wounds
- CURRENT 93 ‘Emblems’ (1993, RE 2024), Cashen’s Gap
- INEPSY ‘Rock’ N’ Roll Babylon’ (2003, RE 2024), Tankcrimes
- TECHNO ANIMAL ‘The Brotherhood Of The Bomb’ (2001, RE 2024), Relapse Records
- TREPANERINGSRITUALEN ‘Septentrional’ (2010, RE 2024), Cloister Recordings
- Le TOP MMXXIII (December 30, 2023)
- Le TOP MMXXII (December 30, 2022)
- Le TOP pandémoniaque (en reprise) MMXXI (December 30, 2021)
- Le TOP PANDÉMONIAQUE MMXX (December 30, 2020)
- Le TOP MMXIX (December 30, 2019)
- Le TOP MMXVIII (December 30, 2018)
- Le TOP MMXVII (December 30, 2017)
- Le TOP MMXVI (December 30, 2016)
- Le TOP X MMXV (December 30, 2015)