At the University of Texas San Antonio campus, a college atheist group is offering students pornography in exchange for Bibles, Korans, or other religious texts. The group, Atheist Agenda, calls the exchange « Smut for Smut ».
Group members claim that the Bible and other religious texts are just as as smutty as any pornography. According to the group, the Bible contains all sorts of misogyny, violence, torture and questionable sexual practices.
The atheists are right. The Bible, the Koran and other religious texts are often filled with the most disgusting, degrading of images: genocide, infanticide, incest and the sexual abuse of children.
As one might expect, the exchange is prompting prayers and protests from Christians. Some have gone so far as to accuse the atheist group of being intolerant and hateful. One must laugh at the irony of such claims. After hundreds of years of cruel and brutal intolerance and hatred for everything not Christian, Christians have very little credibility when they try to play the victim card.
Indeed, the “Smut for Smut” campaign required police protection from angry Christians attempting to tear down signs and intimidate the atheists. Despite the complaints, University officials say the atheist group has the right to conduct the swap.
UTSA spokesman David Gabler says, « As long as students are not violating laws or violating the Constitution, they have the freedom of speech and assembly. »
Here in Portland, Oregon, The Reed Secular Alliance, promoting free thought at Reed College Since 2005, is an active student group open to atheists, agnostics, humanists and free thinkers.
Merci Mivil Deschênes