On a beaucoup parlé d’Arthur Lipsett (jamais par contre de sa participation au film Hors-d’oeuvre) sans avoir eu la chance de voir Fluxes et son ‘agonized intensely personal N-Zone‘ …
‘With N-Zone (1970), Lipsett tried something different, including footage of family and friends as counterpoints to his “objective” montage sequences. The film was attacked and Lipsett left the NFB’ (ici) … À défaut donc d’avoir trouvé le film en ligne, on a déniché ces quelques images :
Arthur Lipsett, Canada, 1970, 45 min
‘Arthur Lipsett pieces together his visions of this fragmented world from odds and ends, even leftovers, from other people’s photography and sound recording. By juxtaposing his snippets of “found film” with snatches of comment or dialogue echoing the banality of human communication, Lipsett shows the emptiness of much of what we say or do. N-Zone is one man’s surrealist sampler of the human condition’ …
Source des images ici.