Yggdrasill : Whose Roots Are Stars in the Human Mind
Stan Brakhage, USA, 1997, 17 min
This film, a combination of hand painting and photography, is a fulsome exposition of the themes of « Dog Star Man. » In that early epic I had envisioned The World Tree as dead, fit only for firewood; and at the end « Dog Star Man » I had chopped it up amidst a flurry of stars (finally Cassiopeia’s Chair): now, these many years later, I am compelled to comprehend Yggdrasill as rooted in the complex electrical synapses of thought process, to sense it being alive today as when Nordic legend hatched it. I share this compulsion with Andrei Tarkovsky, whose last film « The Sacrifice » struggles to revive The World Tree narratively, whereas I simply present (one might almost say « document ») a moving graph to approximate my thought process, whereby The Tree roots itself as the stars we, reflectively, are. (SB)
Stellar (1993) & The Wold Shadow (1972) by STAN BRAKHAGE (July 3, 2013)
‘Original Creators: STAN BRAKHAGE’ presented by The Creators Project (August 10, 2011)
Glaze of Cathexis (1990) by STAN BRAKHAGE (January 24, 2011)
Cat’s Cradle (1959) by STAN BRAKHAGE (January 23, 2011)