Désolé, c’est un peu ‘hors-saison’ :

Hervé Demers 'Les premiers soleils'Hervé Demers 'Les premiers soleils'Hervé Demers 'Les premiers soleils'Hervé Demers 'Les premiers soleils'Hervé Demers 'Les premiers soleils'Hervé Demers 'Les premiers soleils'

‘Here in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States we are enduring our hottest weather of the year, so I found it quite refreshing to see these images from photographer/cinematographer Hervé Demers, who is currently living in Montréal, Canada. Demers is an award winning filmmaker whose latest work is called Le Grand Sault, a contemporary adaptation of a 200 year old Quebec folk/war story. A cinematic eye is evident in Demers’ photographic images, with the unique twist of using the narrowed view of square format, which is unexpected coming from a filmmaker. I like this dichotomy of vision …’ (ici)

Hervé Demers (2010-11)Hervé Demers (2010-11)

HERVÉ DEMERS (30 septembre 1982), Montréal, Québec, Canada

La plupart des photographies proviennent de la série Les Premiers Soleils (les deux dernières de son profil Flickr). Merci Google+