‘Sound, Word, & Image. Melody, Verse, & Countenance. Star, Cross, & Crescent. Golems All’ …
… ‘The lunatics are the frogs of the Psychosphere. At this most viciously propagandized period in our civilization-stream, we rejoice in the Lord. In all of the kingdom, from the king to the cattle, none but the buffoon have begun to become free. So please, Friend & Stranger, trust in the christic magnitude of your seeming own incarnation- and truly, the antidote can be found in the vicinity of the poison’ …
Daniel Higgs
avec Héliodrome & Whilst
Casa Del Popolo (4873 St-Laurent, Mtl)
Ouverture des portes à 20:30
Info: 514.284.0122 | info@casadelpopolo.com
Une présentation du festival Suoni Per Il Popolo.