The Devil’s Cradle (2017) by TERO IKAHEIMONEN

The Devil’s Cradle (2017) by TERO IKAHEIMONEN

The Devil’s Cradle
Svart Records, 2017, approx. 500 pages

“The Devil’s Cradle: The Story of Finnish Black Metal” by Helsinki-based journalist Tero Ikäheimonen is a definite history of one of the most uncompromising and brutal music scenes in the world: the Finnish Black Metal.

Based on over 50 interviews done between 2014 and 2016, the book unravels the story from late 80’s to modern days featuring such bands as: Beherit, Impaled Nazarene, Barathrum, Archgoat, Azazel, Diaboli, Darkwoods My Betrothed, Horna, Vornat, Thy Serpent, Wanderer, Urn, Black Dawn, …And Oceans, Musta Surma, Alghazanth, Azaghal, Warloghe, Behexen, Clandestine Blaze, Satanic Warmaster, Ride for Revenge, Goatmoon, IC Rex, Charnel Winds, Cosmic Church, Saturnian Mist, Rienaus and Abyssion …

“The Devil’s Cradle: The Story of Finnish Black Metal” (2017) by TERO IKAHEIMONEN



Eternal Flame of Gehenna / Loputon Gehennan Liekki (A Finnish Black Metal Documentary)
Sami Kettunen, Finland, 2011, 51 min

Eternal Flame of Gehenna / Loputon Gehennan Liekki (A Finnish Black Metal Documentary) (2011) by SAMI KETTUNEN


Bleu Blanc Satan (2016) de CAMILLE DAUTEUILLE et FRANCK TRÉBILLAC (April 6, 2017)
Black Metal (1998) de MARILYN WATELET (July 13, 2015)
How Much Black Metal Can You Take? (April 13, 2014)
One Man Metal (2012) presented by Noisey (December 20, 2012)
Xasthur par BRYAN SHEFFIELD, Self-Titled numéro 8 (June 23, 2011)
Black Metal Satanica (2008) by MATS LUNDBERG (June 13, 2011)
‘Black Metal’ (2005) photographs by STACY KRANITZ (June 4, 2011)
Svart Metall’ (2009) par GRANT WILLING (June 2, 2011)
Until the Light Takes Us (2009) by AARON AITES & AUDREY EWELL (June 1, 2011)
Norsk Black Metal (Norwegian Black Metal) (December 4, 2010)
Det Svarte Alvor (1994) A Black Metal Documentary (December 2, 2010)