The Empire of Death (2011) de PAUL KOUDOUNARIS

The Empire of Death (2011) de PAUL KOUDOUNARIS

The Empire of Death
A Cultural History
of Ossuaries and
Charnel Houses

Paul Koudounaris

‘This is not a book about the macabre or death. It is a book about beauty and salvation.’

The Empire of Death (2011) de PAUL KOUDOUNARISThe Empire of Death (2011) de PAUL KOUDOUNARISThe Empire of Death (2011) de PAUL KOUDOUNARIS

‘The idea for the book was born in the reception area of a Czech hostel. I had spent a day in Melnik, where I visited an extraordinary charnel house in the crypt under the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul. It was gritty and dirty – decidedly not sanitized for tourists – but the arrangements of the bones showed genius, not just in formal artistic principles, but also in their understanding of philosophy and theology.’

The Empire of Death (2011) de PAUL KOUDOUNARIS

The Empire of Death (2011) de PAUL KOUDOUNARIS

The Empire of Death (2011) de PAUL KOUDOUNARIS

Photographs of charnel houses and ossuaries by Paul Koudounaris


On le met en relation avec The Dead (2010) de JACK BURMAN (on en parlait ici) et The Ossuary (1970) de JAN ŠVANKMAJER (ici).

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