CAVE EVIL: Invocation of thee Eternal Battle (2013) by Emperors of Eternal Evil Board Games


CAVE EVIL: Invocation of thee Eternal Battle
A game of brutal necro-demonic dungeon warfare


CAVE EVIL: Invocation of thee Eternal Battle (shirt)


Your role as a demented Necromancer is to wage strategic warfare against the other players in preparation for the endgame.


CAVE EVIL: Invocation of thee Eternal Battle


The 343+ cards provide endless combinations of minions, items and spells, needless to mention a barrage of chaotic events.


CAVE EVIL: Invocation of thee Eternal Battle


The close to 50 dungeon tiles allow for deep excavation and destruction of an intricate matrix of tunnels and chambers.


CAVE EVIL: Invocation of thee Eternal Battle (patch)

Y’a même une copie cassette de ‘Dawn of Possession’ (1991) d’Immolation dans leur Pit of Infinite Shadow (webstore).



Merci Anne-Marie Lavigne