Disma ‘Chasm Of Oceanus’ de leur premier album Towards The Megalith (2011)
Autres incomparables en leur genre, du plus foncé au plus pâle:
Autopsy ‘Macabre Eternal’
Bastard Priest ‘Ghouls Of The Endless Night’
Vastum ‘Carnal Law’
Aosoth ‘III’
Blut Aus Nord ‘777 – The Desanctification’ & ‘777 Sect(s)’
Honorables mentions aux Leviathan ‘True Traitor, True Whore’ et Craft ‘Void’ pour la sortie de nouveau matériel
Dark Castle ‘Surrender To All Life Beyond Form’
Herder ‘Herder’
Yob ‘Atma’
Skull Defekts ‘Peer Amid’
Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats ‘Blood Lust’
Wo Fat ‘Noche del Chupacabra’
Alexander Tucker ‘Dorwytch’
Earth ‘Angels of Darkness, Demons Of Light 1’
Six Organs of Admittance ‘Asleep on the Floodplain’