Reaction: A Portrait of a Society in Crisis (1973) by ROBIN SPRY

Les relations ANGLO-FRANCO dans le cinéma québécois, sixième partie

Reaction: A Portrait of a Society in Crisis
Robin Spry, Canada, 1973, 57 min 50 s

This feature documentary gives voice to various English-speaking groups in Montréal and other places in Québec as they react to the October Crisis of 1970, when Québec nationalism took a violent turn. A British diplomat had been kidnapped, a Québec cabinet minister murdered. The troops were brought in as a safeguard. This film is a vigorous reflection of the discussions and analyses of the situation that went on wherever people gathered, voicing attitudes and fears, sympathies and concerns.


Le journal de madame Wollock (1979) de GILLES BLAIS (January 15, 2015)
Le sort de l’Amérique (1996) de JACQUES GODBOUT (January 16, 2015)
Speak White (1980) & Le temps des bouffons (1985) de PIERRE FALARDEAU et JULIEN POULIN (January 20, 2015)
Le mouton noir (1992) & Les héritiers du mouton noir (2003) de JACQUES GODBOUT (January 22, 2015)
Le confort et l’indifférence (1981) de DENYS ARCAND (January 26, 2015)
Le chat dans le sac (1964) de GILLES GROULX (April 7, 2014, à la toute fin de l’entrevue)
Québec Soft (1985) de JACQUES GODBOUT (June 24, 2011)
Mon oncle Antoine (1971) de CLAUDE JUTRA (December 24, 2010)
Les événements d’octobre 1970 (1974) de ROBIN SPRY (October 6, 2010)