DEATHSPELL OMEGA ‘The Furnaces of Palingenesia’ (2019)
Norma Norma Evangelium Diaboli
‘This world contains neither meaning nor justice’
TEITANBLOOD ‘The Baneful Choir’ (2019)
Norma Norma Evangelium Diaboli
DRASTUS ‘La Croix de Sang’ (2019)
Norma Norma Evangelium Diaboli
AORATOS ‘Gods Without Name’ (2019)
Debemur Morti Productions
MGLA ‘Age of Excuse’ (2019)
Northern Heritage
VASTUM ‘Orificial Purge’ (2019)
20 Buck Spin
YERUSELEM ‘The Sublime’ (2019)
Debemur Morti Productions
MZ. 412 ‘Svartmyrkr’ (2019)
Cold Spring
NORDVARGR ‘Daath’ (2019)
Cyclic Law
TREPANERINGSRITUALEN & NORDVARGR ‘Konung Krönt i Blod / Salve Teragmon’ (2019)
Cyclic Law
OSSUAIRE ‘Premiers chants’ (2019)
Sepulchral Productions
OSSUAIRE ‘Derniers chants’ (2019)
Sepulchral Productions
MONARQUE ‘Jusqu’à la mort’ (2019)
Sepulchral Productions
PROFANE ORDER ‘Slave Morality’ (2019)
Sentient Ruin Laboratories
SACCAGE ‘Khaos Mortem’ (2019)
Torture Garden Picture Company, PRC music
OATH DIV 666 ‘Apocalypse Division’ (2019)
D7i Records, Doomsday Machine Records
SEDIMENTUM ‘Demo’ (2019)
Fucking Kill Records
MARÉCAGES ‘Marais Juana – Une Ode Cannabique’ (2019)
From the Urn
Rééditions admirables de MMXIX :
ABRUPTUM ‘Orchestra Of Dark’ (1992, RE2019), Profound Lore Records;
ABRUPTUM ‘Vi Sonus Veris Nigrae Malitiaes’ (1996, RE2019), Blooddawn Productions;
DAHMER ‘The Studio Sessions Discography’ (2003, RE2019), D7i Records et Doomsday Machine;
DARK SPACE ‘II’ (2005, RE2019), Avantgarde Music;
INCANTATION ‘Upon The Throne Of Apocalypse’ (1995, RE2019), Relapse Records;
LEVIATHAN ‘Verräter’ (2002, RE2019), Profound Lore Records;
MELVINS ‘The Maggot & The Bootlicker’ (1999, RE2019), Ipecac Recordings;
MZ.412 ‘In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi’ (1995, RE2019), AnnapurnA;
les PAYSAGE D’HIVER sur Kunsthall Produktionen;
TETRAGRAMMACIDE ‘Third World Esoterrorism’ (2014, RE2019)
les ZOVIET FRANCE sur Vinyl-on-demand;
JOHN COLTRANE ‘Blue World’ (1964-2019)
The album was recorded at Van Gelder Studio with the Classic Quartet in between the Crescent and A Love Supreme sessions for the film Le chat dans le sac. Director Gilles Groulx was friends with Jimmy Garrison and he used that relationship to request songs for Coltrane’s quartet to record. Groulx traveled to the United States to attend the recording sessions for Coltrane’s only soundtrack work and Coltrane recorded it without informing his record label. After three hours in the studio, Groulx took the master tapes with him to Canada. When the director ended up shelving most of the music, it went unreleased until 2019, when Coltrane’s long-time label Impulse! Records decided to release it, with the original composition « Blue World » being released on August 16, 2019 along with the announcement of the album. Release was delayed by several years due to the NFB owning the rights to the tape itself but Impulse! having the rights to release it as an album.
The recordings were stored away until the early 21st century, when an archivist from the National Film Board of Canada was tasked with assembling Groulx’s work; the government agency negotiated with Impulse! to have the album released. This album comes a year after the successful release of Both Directions at Once: The Lost Album, also from Impulse!, capturing a Classic Quartet session from 1963 and is part of a trend of unreleased albums from 1950s and 1960s jazz greats released in the 2010s.
Le chat dans le sac
Gilles Groulx, Canada, 1964, 1 h 14 min
Premier long métrage de fiction de Gilles Groulx, dans lequel il intègre les méthodes du direct. Le casting est composé d’acteurs non professionnels, les dialogues sont improvisés et le tournage en continuité réalisés dans des décors naturels assurent la spontanéité et l’authenticité propres aux productions documentaires. À travers la confrontation d’un couple dans la vingtaine, ce film pose la grande question de l’accession à la maturité politique du peuple québécois telle que perçue par un cinéaste épris d’idéal et d’absolu.
Le TOP MMXVIII (December 30, 2018)
Le TOP MMXVII (December 30, 2017)
Le TOP MMXVI (December 30, 2016)
Le TOP X MMXV (December 30, 2015)